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C/ Aguacate, 54. 28044
Madrid (Spain)
Tel.: +34 91 508 30 30
Ownership of this website
In compliance with article 10 of the Ley 34/2002, July 11th, Servicios de la Sociedad de la Información y de Comercio Electrónico (LSSI - Services of the information society and e-commerce) we inform you that you are entering the website (hereinafter, the Webpage), which is owned and managed by the entity called JUSTINO DELGADO, S.L. (hereinafter, Justino Delgado or The Administrator), and whose data are listed below:
C/Aguacate, 54 - Madrid (28044)
CIF B79231759
T. +34 91 508 30 30
Fax. +34 91 508 19 40
And that it has been registered in the Chamber of Commerce (Registro Mercantil) in Madrid, tomo 4,813, Libro 0, Sección 8, hoja M-79018, inscripción 3ª. V.A.T Nr.; ESB79231759
General conditions of use of this website
This legal disclaimer is subject to changes and updates so that the version which is published in the website may look different every time the user logs in.
Justino Delgado reserves the right to modify or update, without previous warning, any information contained in the webpage, as well as its setup, presentation and terms of use and access. Therefore, Justino Delgado recommends periodically reading these Conditions.
Furthermore, Justino Delgado reserves the right to discontinue, withdraw or stop operating this website at any time. Therefore, since this website may be subject to modifications, the user should read carefully and fully this document, whenever he or she intends to use this website.
The user may access, print, download and store these Conditions of Use, which will be permanently available in this website through the corresponding link.
At any rate, persons under age that enter this website with no previous warning to their parents are informed that they must not register as users, as before doing so, their parents or legal guardians need to have consented to the submission of the minors’ personal information.
Acceptance of conditions of use
Utilization of this website confers you the status of user. These conditions are addressed to the "users" of this webpage. Users are both those persons that enter the webpage searching the information that contains, and those that have registered to gain access to the services that it offers. Users must read carefully these General Conditions of Use for this webpage. Use of or access to the website requires knowledge and full unreserved acceptance of each and every clause and general condition included in the Disclaimer, as well as the General or Particular Conditions of Use which are applicable every time the User logs in. If the user disagrees with the conditions herewith established, he or she should refrain from using the webpage.
Justino Delgado’s Liability
The user recognizes and accepts that he or she uses this webpage at his or her own peril and that such use is entirely under his or her responsibility. Justino Delgado, will only be liable for damages that are incurred by the user as a result of using the webpage when such damage is the result of willful misconduct.
Justino Delgado does not guarantee availability and continuity of the website or any other websites to which there is or might be a link.
Both entering this website and any possible use of the information it contains is the exclusive responsibility of whoever does so. Therefore, the User binds himself or herself to never using any of its contents to unlawful ends or effects, which are prohibited by these Conditions of Use or by the current legislation. Justino Delgado will not be sustained liable for any consequence, damage or harm that might be incurred from such access or use of the information. Likewise, Justino Delgado does not recognize liability for potential errors in safety that might be incurred nor by any potential damage caused to the computer of the user (hardware and software), the files or documents stored in this computer, as a result of the presence of virus in the computer with which the user connects to the services and contents of the webpage, or of the malfunction of the web browser or the use of outdated versions of the web browser. Justino Delgado will not be liable either by any inconsistencies between the electronic and printed versions of the information, documentation and/or any other contents of the webpage.
Generally, Justino Delgado does not control any utilization made by users of the webpage. Specifically, Justino Delgado does not guarantee, under any circumstances, that the users make a use of the Service which is according to the law, these General Conditions, generally accepted codes of ethics and conduct, and the public order, nor does Justino Delgado guarantee that such use is made in a diligent and prudent way. Therefore, Justino Delgado retains the right to cancel any user’s right of access with no previous consent from the user.
This website may provide its Users with technical devices for linking, directories and search tools that will enable the users to enter pages and/or websites that belong to or/and are managed by third parties.
Nevertheless, under no circumstances, will Justino Delgado be held responsible for, nor will Justino Delgado endorse or gain ownership of the products, services, contents, information and any other kind of material that exists in such webpages or in any of their potential modifications.
Justino Delgado does not guarantee or assume any kind of liability derived from damages and harms of any type that may be due to:
User’s liability
The user agrees to be generally bound to observance of the present General Conditions, and any Particular Conditions that might be applied in every individual case, as well as to heed all special warnings or instructions of use included here or in the webpage, and to always act in full compliance of the law, the codes of good conduct and the requirements posed by good faith, applying diligence that is adequate to the nature of the service provided, refraining from using the webpage in any way that may preclude, damage or deteriorate its normal functioning, Justino Delgado's goods or rights, those of their vendors, other users or, in general, any third party.
Specifically, and without limiting whatsoever any of the obligations generally assumed as per the previous sections by the User, he or she, when using the webpage, agrees to: (a) Provide truthful data for registration purposes and to keep these data up to date, so that they always reflect his or her true status. The User will be, at any rate, solely responsible for inaccurate or false declarations that he or she makes and for any potential harm they might cause. (b) Abstain from registering information from other people or to impersonate them. He or she will also refrain from registering legal persons (NGOs, companies, corporations, organizations, political parties...). To this end, Justino Delgado, can make as many checks as considered appropriate; should any of the aforementioned activities be detected, the responsible User will be banned immediately, and Justino Delgado will reserve the right to start legal action or to report those activities to the competent authorities. (c) Abstain from introducing, storing or reporting in or from the webpage any information or material that is defamatory, slanderous, obscene, threatening, xenophobic, that incites to violence, to discrimination based on race, gender, ideology, religion or that, in any way, violates moral, public order, fundamental rights, public freedoms, honor, privacy or image rights of third parties; as well as from publishing or reporting any type of content, be it text, image or any other type of file, that is in breach of intellectual property rights and, in general, any applicable regulations; (d) Refrain from introducing, storing or reporting through the webpage any computer program, data, virus, code, piece of hardware or telecommunications, or any other instrument or electronic or physical device that can potentially damage the webpage, any of its services or any or the computers, systems or networks owned by Justino Delgado, any other User, any of Justino Delgado's vendors or, in general, any third party, or that in any other way may be capable of causing any type of alteration or precluding their normal functioning; (e) Keep adequate custody of the "User name" and the "Password", as identification elements that also enable access to the Services, agreeing not to allow its use or access to third parties, assuming responsibility for any possible damage and harm derived from any misuse; (f) Abstain from using the contents, specifically the information gathered through the Webpage, to deliver marketing messages, messages aimed at a direct sale or any other commercial goal, as well as from recording or storing personal data from third parties; (g) Refrain from using false identities, or from impersonating other persons when using the Webpage or any of the services it provides, including the use of passwords or pass keys belonging to third parties or in any other way; (h) Not to destroy, change, use to their own benefit, disrupt or damage any data, information, programs or electronic documents belonging to Justino Delgado, Justino Delgado’s vendors or any other third parties; (i) Refrain from introducing, storing or reporting through the webpage any contents that are in breach of intellectual or industrial property rights or any confidential information belonging to third parties, including, as a general rule, any content which is not legally owned by the user and which therefore cannot be made available to a third party by the user; (j) Abstain from selling illegal items or publishing advertisements that are against the local law, such as fake models or replicas, drugs, explosives, weapons, obscene material, photographs of others, medications, multilevel or pyramidal, stolen properties, miraculous services, tobacco or alcohol, copies or recordings and/or any other item whose sale or distribution is not allowed by law without the corresponding permit; (k) Refrain from storing or collecting in any way confidential information or data belonging to a third party without the corresponding consent from that third party, including email addresses and/or telephone numbers.
The user will be responsible for any damage and harm of any kind that JUSTINO DELGADO directly or indirectly sustains as a result of lack of compliance of any of the obligations that are derived from the general or particular conditions of use of the website or of any of the related services.
JUSTINO DELGADO reserves the right to deny or withdraw access to the website and/or the services it offers to all those users that do not comply with the current General Conditions of Use and/or the Particular conditions which may be applied, and to do so with no previous warning, either at their sole discretion or at the request of a third party, with no limitation of any claims for damages and harms that could be incurred.
Furthermore, the User will keep JUSTINO DELGADO free from liability based on any claim, complaint or sanction that might be filed by a third party, a public agency, as a result of the user’s action against the rights of others by using this website or the related services in a way that is contrary to what is established in the applicable general or particular conditions.
Intellectual and industrial property
This website is governed by the Spanish law and is under the protection of national and international regulations on intellectual and industrial property.
All contents showed in the webpage and, especially, its designs, texts, audio files, graphs, logos, data bases, commercial names, brands or any other signs which can be the object of industrial and commercial use are subject to intellectual and industrial property rights of Justino Delgado or of third parties who own them and have approved their inclusion in the Online System. Their sole mention does not entail endorsement, sponsorship or recommendation, nor any right or responsibility affecting the webpage.
Justino Delgado authorizes Users to use, view, print the Contents and/or the features included in the Website exclusively for their personal and non for profit use; for any use different from those explicitly allowed, it is absolutely required consent by the holder of the rights in question.
Under no circumstances, will it be understood that any license whatsoever is granted or that the aforementioned rights are resigned, transmitted, fully or partly bestowed, or that any rights or expectations of rights are conferred, especially, in regards to modification, exploitation, reproduction, distribution or public communication of the aforementioned contents without explicit previous authorization from Justino Delgado or the corresponding right holders.
Any breach of these rights may give way to extrajudicial or judicial procedures, either civil or penal, as stated by the law.
Use of cookies
Entering the website may require the use of cookies. Using this technology is subject to previous authorization by the user, once he or she has been informed about our use of cookies, in agreement with the regulations regarding data protection. The user can consult Justino Delgado’s policy with regard to the use of cookies in this website; please refer to the document “Policy on Cookies”.
The user will always be able to accept or reject use of cookies by selecting the appropriate setup in his or her web browser, although that will not prevent the potential storage or access for purely technical reasons and in as much as it is strictly necessary for the correct browsing of the webpage.
Justino Delgado does not use “spamming” and will only handle those data that the user enters through the electronic questionnaires included in this Website.
Any handling of confidential personal information, as well as sending commercial communications by electronic means, will be done in agreement with the Ley Orgánica 15/1999, 13th December, Protección de Datos de Carácter Personal (Protection of Personal Data), and with the Ley 34/2002, 11th July, servicios de la Sociedad de Información y de Comercio Electrónico (Services of the information society and e-commerce).
Access through mobile network
The Website may be accessed through a mobile network, just like any other webpage, although this page has not been adapted for a correct visualization by these means and, therefore, such visualization may vary depending on the characteristics of the mobile device used for access, and also on the web server or operator. All present use conditions will be equally applicable when entering this Website by mobile network. Under no circumstances, will Justino Delgado charge any fee for entering the webpage through a mobile network, so any related expenses should be imputed to the mobile operator. Justino Delgado does not recognize any liability for any incident related to entering the webpage through a mobile network. These conditions are applicable regardless of the device used to enter Justino Delgado’s webpage (mobile phone, computer, mp4...).
Privacy policy and personal data protection
We inform you that any personal data that is provided by the user to Justino Delgado through any of the means that are enabled to that effect in this website or in Justino Delgado’s blog are protected by the Policy of Protection of Personal Data that is shown in the Document Privacy Protection Policy which is available in the link of the same name in this Webpage or in the blog.
The user must read and accept the Privacy Protection Policy of this Webpage before he or she submits any personal data.
For any issues regarding the present General Conditions, and for any communication necessary between Justino Delgado and the User, please address Justino Delgado via email, sending a message to
All communications from Justino Delgado to the User will be in consistency with the data that the user has provided when registering in the Web. You explicitly accept the use of email as the valid procedure for submission of all communications that are related with the use of the Webpage.
Liability incurred through interactions with other users
Justino Delgado is not to be held liable for the consequences derived from any interaction between users of this Website that can take place in social media (facebook, twitter, etc.), although Justino Delgado reserves the right to act as mediator to settle a potential conflict.
The user will be responsible at any time for maintaining his or her own privacy, as well as for the information, contents or materials that he or she decides to introduce and share through this website. Justino Delgado does not accept any responsibility for the consequences to be derived from disclosing this information or from its use by third parties.
Partial Nullity
If any of these general conditions is rendered null, invalid or ineffective, it will not affect the validity or effectiveness of the remaining conditions, which will still hold between the parts as binding.
If, at any time, any of the parts resigned his or her right to claim compliance of one of the general conditions here established, that would not mean resigning his or her right to claim compliance of another condition or of other conditions, nor would it generate acquired rights for the other party.
Applicable legislation. Arbitration
The Spanish legislation will be applicable in the event of any litigation affecting the Website, and the Courts and Tribunals of Madrid (Spain) are fully competent for the resolution of any conflicts derived from or related to the use of this Website.